Bingemas: For the Animal Aficionado

Our Bingemas picks are for all the people out there who would rather be at home with their pets watching Blue Planet ll and scrolling through the WeRateDogs Twitter account. We’ve got their perfect book gifts below.


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Gift these selections to anyone on your list who’s made an Instagram page for their dog or has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Great Salmon Run. Plus, they’re a doggone good deal at 15% off (discount reflected at cart.)
WeRateDogs = = =  Adventures with Ollie by Adrian Chamberlain (Oolichan Books)Meet Ollie from the fetchingly titled book Adventures with Ollie. He’s a headstrong and playful pug who likes learning new tricks but isn’t always pup for housetraining, and will roll on dead sea creatures if he isn’t told to stop. Still deserves a compupliment. 13/10 would toss this charming book about Ollie’s dogventures with his owner to anyone whose homepage is WeRateDogs.
Blue Planet ll = = =  Whale in the Door by Pauline Le Bel with photographs by Richard Duncan (Caitlin Press)Whether narrating Adele’s “Hello” or nature documentaries, Sir David Attenborough is (not very) arguably one of the greatest narrators there is. His smooth stylings coupled with a Hans Zimmer-backed musical score makes BBC’s Blue Planet ll a nature lover’s at-home scuba dive. From coasts to coral reefs, the show features some of the most stunning images of life underwater and messages about our environmental impact. Similarly, Pauline Le Bel’s Whale in the Door emphasizes the need to protect our oceans and other bodies of water between pages of jaw-dropping images of coastal flora and fauna. A story of biological resilience, the book focuses on Howe Sound, an inlet in the Salish Sea in British Columbia, that after a century of industrial contamination has rebuilt itself with returns of whales and dolphins, a compelling companion to read between episodes of Blue Planet ll. * * * Buying either Adventures with Ollie or Whale in the Door now means you get to do so at 15% off and you get a super cool art card with a special promo in January. Check out more Bingemas here.Â