About The Author

Tim B. Rogers

Tim B. Rogers first encountered the Southern Cross when he heard Omar Blondahl sing a ballad about the tragedy. That was in Montréal, 1961. When he had a chance to do some research as part of a sabbatical fellowship at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1979, he began to chase down details of this story that had captured his imagination. Over the years, the untold aspects of this great tale festered in his unconscious, finally bursting forth when he was encouraged to “go for it” and write it as a novel.Tim presently lives in Victoria BC with his wife, Patty, and his Labrador Retriever, Cuffer but retreats to his small farm in the Purcell Mountains as frequently as he can manage. In addition to treasured writing time, fly-fishing and legendary campfires, at which songs about cowboys, railways and the Southern Cross come to life, are mainstays of these wilderness retreats which nourish his passion to tell stories of the people.

Books by Tim B. Rogers