About The Author

Kevin Tobin

Kevin Tobin’s (KT.) editorial cartoons have been a regular feature of The Telegram’s editorial page for over 20 years. KT. has published nine books on his cartoons and has received a Silver Award of Excellence at the Atlantic Journalism Awards. His colorful caricatures can be found on the walls of offices and rec rooms throughout our province.

Kevin first began his doodling in diapers…his teenage years saw him drawing on his comic book heroes for inspiration. Later, politicians like Crosbie, Mulroney, Wells, Chretien, Tobin & company fueled his fire for creativity and commentary. These days, KT. is keeping a close eye on the ongoing shenanigans of Danny and that crowd in the Confederation Building.

While cartooning and family are his passion, he also loves his day job at m5, and greatly appreciates running, friends, hockey, coaching, and barbecuing.

Books by Kevin Tobin