About The Author

Frank Mackey

Frank Mackey is author of three previous works published by MQUP Steamboat Connections: Montreal to Upper Canada, 1816-1843 (2000); Black Then: Blacks and Montreal 1780s-1880s (2004) and Done with Slavery: The Black Fact in Montreal, 1760-1840 (2010). He has worked as a journalist in Alberta, Newfoundland, Montreal, Quebec City and London (Eng.) and taught journalism at Montreal’s Concordia University. He lives in Montreal.

Webster (Aly Ndiaye) is a Montreal based Senegalo-Québécois rap artist born in Quebec City. A pioneer of hip-hop in Quebec, Webster has spoken in Universities in Canada and the United States on the creative use of French in rap music. His passion for history led him to get a university education in history and to speak widely on the presence Africans and of slaves in Quebec throughout history. He is author of one hip-hop writing manual and a children?s book on the first African slave in Canada.

Books by Frank Mackey