About The Author

Constance Horne

Constance Horne was born in Winnipeg and has lived and travelled in many parts of Canada. While she was a teacher, she developed a keen interest in Canada’s past and set out to write historical fiction which would introduce young people to the country’s history.

Horne has published six previous books for young adults: Nykola and Granny (Gage, 1989), The Jo Boy Deserts (Pacific Educational, 1992), Trapped by Coal (Pacific Educational, 1994), Emily Carr’s Woo (Oolichan, 1995), The Accidental Orphan (Beach Holme, 1998), and Lost in the Blizzard (Hodgepog, 1999).

She also contributed a story to the young adult historical anthology Beginnings: Stories of Canada’s Past (Ronsdale, 2001). She now lives with her husband in Victoria and writes full time.

Books by Constance Horne