About The Author

Brian Duren

Brian Duren was born and raised in Minnesota. A former French professor and university administrator, he holds doctorates from the University of Paris and the University of Minnesota. After retiring from academe, Brian launched a new career as an author of literary fiction. He writes novels with an introspective quality about nomadic characters who travel through time and space, always returning to what haunts them. His first novel, Whiteout, praised by the St. Paul Pioneer Press as a “stunning debut novel, worthy of national recognition,” won the Independent Publisher Gold Medal for Midwestern Fiction. Peter Geye lauded Brian’s second book, Ivory Black, as “a novel of profound elegance,” while Junot Diaz described his soon-to-be released third novel, The Gravity of Love, as “a magnificent haunting duet of grief, absence, and the unshakable bonds of family …” Brian is working on his fourth novel, Day Brings Back the Night.

Books by Brian Duren