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All Lit Up Press Picks for the Holidays: Palimpsest Press

Palimpsest Press poetry editor Jim Johnstone’s book recommendations for the holidays are for poetry lovers and want-to-be poetry lovers. Check out their three must-read books: a visual feast, queer magic, and a captivating poetic conversation.


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Fire Monster by Anita Lahey and Pauline Conley

“Based on the historical wildfire that caused catastrophic damage in Main-à-Dieu, Nova Scotia in 1976, Anita Lahey and Pauline Conley’s Fire Monster is a poignant look at how a town can heal in the aftermath of tragedy. This is a must read for fans of graphic novels, and a visual feast for those who love poetry. Conley’s images sit alongside Lahey’s poetic narrative to create a genre mash up that feels entirely new, while also being prescient at a time of environmental upheaval.”

Find Fire Monster here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

Poetry is Queer by Kirby

“Where to start with poetry? If you’re looking for the perfect entrance point to a chronically misunderstood art, you can’t go wrong with Kirby’s Poetry is Queer. The key word in this book is joy. Joy in finding the right words when you need them, joy in timeless poetic touchstones, and joy in Kirby’s vision of why verse is so intoxicating. All the while, they make a strong argument for poetry as a queer art, inhabited by those who smash boundaries with their bodies as well as their words. Essential reading for anyone who wants to tap into queer magic.”

Find Poetry is Queer here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

The Suspect We by Roxanna Bennett and Shane Neilson

The Suspect We is a poetic collaboration for the present moment. Written as a means of surviving the pandemic, Roxanna Bennett and Shane Neilson developed a poetic conversation as a form of self-care during one of the most difficult years of their lives. The results are captivating: a book length exploration of what it means to be alive in a time of plague, and on a planet that hasn’t reconciled how to treat its most vulnerable populations.”

Find The Suspect We here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

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For more Press Picks for the Holidays, click here.