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All Lit Up Press Picks for the Holidays: Gordon Hill Press

Publisher of poetry and stylistically innovative books, Gordon Hill Press offers three reflective books for the holidays: an empathetic debut collection of poetry, a new offering from an award-winning poet, and a lyrical essay collection about connection.


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A Brief Relief from Hunger by Spenser Smith

“A collection of poems about the yearnings of a young man—cocaine, human connection, fast food—and the ravenous world in which he lives. The collection asks important questions about hunger and desire. Who gets to ‘eat’ in public? Who must hide in shame? The speaker knows at least one reliable source of contentment: Grandma’s kitchen, where, at his lowest points, he finds cabbage rolls, acceptance, and a tenderness he wishes to absorb into his masculinity.”

Find A Brief Relief from Hunger here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

Uncomfortability by Roxanna Bennett

“The follow up to Bennett’s previous two award-winning titles, this collection of poetry arranges the text into seasonal divisions like a Book of Hours, and is devoted to this question from ‘Life Without Weather,’ ‘Could we begin to love each other’s pain?’ The book answers, ‘No one needs to fight. We are all the same.’”

Find Uncomfortability here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

Micrographia by Jennifer Bowering Delisle

“These lyric essays explore how losses can collide and reverberate both within our own lives and in our relationships with the rest of the world. How much do we share of our stories, and how much do we understand of what others are experiencing? Ultimately, this is a book about connection.”

Find Micrographia here on All Lit Up or use the Shop Local button to purchase from your local indie bookstore.

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