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Cozy Fest: Sareh Farmand

Sareh Farmand’s debut collection of poetry Pistachios in My Pocket (At Bay Press) details her family’s escape from Iran and her subsequent acclimatizing to immigrant life in West coastal Canada. For Cozy Fest, she snuggles up with her cat, Salem, and reads the narrative poem “North Vancouver, 1982,” about visiting her mom and grandmother’s ESL class.


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Sareh Farmand was born in Tehran, Iran at the start of the Islamic Revolution, and grew up in Vancouver, BC. Her first book of poems, Pistachios in my Pocket, follows a narrative arc that tells the story of her family’s escape from Iran and their experiences as first wave Iranian immigrants to Canada. Sareh holds two bachelor’s degrees, one in International Relations and one in Education from UBC and is a 2018 graduate of SFU’s The Writing Studio. Sareh’s writing has been published in various publications, including Sky Island Journal, The Elephant Journal, and Pelak52. She is the co-founder of The Wordshop Collective, a boutique writing and editing firm. Sareh lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband, two sons, and their cat Salem.

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Many thanks to Sareh (and Salem) for getting into the Cozy Fest spirit with her reading. Next up on #ALUCozyFest is Sophie Crocker and their collection, bratCatch up on the festival here, or visit the festival shop.