In Review: The Week of April 9th

This week Poetry Cure gave us puns, bookish self-care tips, Yoda-like writing advice, museums of kindness, and ‘grammable poetry.


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On the Blog

Our second weekly dose of Poetry Cure gave us interviews and poems from
~ I’d Write the Sea Like a Parlour Game (Breakwater Books)~ This Will Be Good (Book*hug)~ The Museum of Kindness (Brick Books)~ Lasting, Leaving, Left (Promontory Press)~ page as bone – ink as blood (Talonbooks)

Around the Web

~ The stranger-than-fiction story of four teens who stole rare books in 2004 was obviously ripe for a Hollywood action-comedy.~ Rule # 1 of book lending: dog-ear at your own risk. Electric Lit.~ The case for the empowering princess story for women and femmes of colour has us royally fascinated. 


What Else We’re Reading

Tan is reading Terri Favro’s Once Upon a Time in West Toronto from Inanna Publications.
