In Review: The Week of January 22nd

This week we continued the discussion around ableism with a fierce essay from author and disability activist Dorothy Ellen Palmer and got silly with a book about culture and creativity.


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On the Blog

~ Author JonArno Lawson shares about the decades-long research for his book But It’s So Silly (Wolsak & Wynn Publishers), an exploration of how ideas of play are shaped by culture, in Under the Cover.~ Winner of the 3-Day Novel contest Mark Wagstaff (Attack of the Lonely Hearts, Anvil Press) offers survival tips for writing a novel in three days and more in Writer’s Block.~ Author Dorothy Ellen Palmer talks ableism in CanLit: “Too often, even those allies with intersectional critiques of sexism, transphobia, anti-Indigeneity, and racism, still see ableism and the discrimination of inaccessibility as less urgent and less important.”~ For Family Literacy Day we rounded up a Top 10 list of books to read aloud with kids.

Around the Web

~ A new literary podcast called Hiatus merges poetry, music, and mindfulness.~ To point out transit etiquette fails, Metrolinx released a cheeky guide book on how to behave on buses and trains.~ Ursula K. Le Guin’s passing this week was felt all over the literary scene and writers took to Twitter with messages about her legacy. 

What Else We’re Reading

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day we’re reading Claire Sicherman’s Imprint: A Memoir of Trauma in the Third Generation from Caitlin Press. Exploring intergenerational trauma –  the transmission of historical oppression through the physical body and mental health – the book is a combination of history and personal revelation. 
