In Review: The Week of January 1st

This week we welcomed the new year with our backs to 2017 and reading resolutions that are as good as carved in stone (ie: on the internet).


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On the Blog

~ We bid 2017 a big ol’ good riddance with some bookish resolutions.~ And, then, turned our backs on last year with these back-standing book covers.

Around the Web

~ We nursed our holiday hangovers reading this hilarious take on what classic literary figures would do the day after New Year’s.~ Trump and lawyer have been working to put the kibosh on tell-all book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Obviously.~ And while we keep the popcorn close by, 2018 is shaping up to be another year of book-to-film adaptations.

What Else We’re Reading

We’re starting off 2018 with our resolutions and digging into our first TBR books of the year: Pedal by Chelsea Rooney (Caitlin Press), Malled by Kit Dobson (Wolsak and Wynn), VII by Thom (Pow Pow Press), Spirit of a Hundred Thousand Dead Animals by Jim Nason (Signature Editions), Blank by M. NourbeSe Philip (Book*hug), and Bookshops by Jorge Carrión, translated by Peter Bush (Biblioasis).
