About The Author

Kate Flaherty

Kate Marshall Flaherty’s recent books are Stone Soup and Reaching V. Her poetry has been published in journals such as CV2, Descant, Grain, Malahat Review and Vallum, was Shortlisted for Descant‘s Best Canadian Poem, the Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize and Robert Frost Poetry Prizes. Co-founder of the Children’s Peace Theatre, she cross-pollinated poetry with dance to form “poetry in motion” performances that were recognized by the United Nations. She has travelled the world guiding yoga and writing retreats with InkSlingers. She was a “Random Acts of Poetry” Poet for three years, has been a beloved poet in the schools across Ontario, and is presently Toronto Representative for the League of Canadian Poets. She guides StillPoint Writers’ Retreats; writing is her lifeline. She lives in Toronto.

Books by Kate Flaherty