Writer’s Block: Christopher Gudgeon

For this edition of Writer’s Block, we ask author, poet, and screenwriter Christopher Gudgeon a series of questions about writing, and get a series of responses that made us chuckle, even laugh out loud. We’re now even more pumped to read his newly released book The Encyclopedia of Lies(Anvil Press).


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For this edition of Writer’s Block, we ask author, poet, and screenwriter Christopher Gudgeon a series of questions about writing, and get a series of responses that made us chuckle, even laugh out loud. We’re now even more pumped to read his newly released book The Encyclopedia of Lies(Anvil Press).* * *Is there one stand-out moment or experience you had that helped you realize you wanted to become a writer?Short answer, no. Long answer: nooooooooo.Which writers have influenced you or had the most impact on your own writing?Dr. Suess, Amanda McKittrick Ros, James Lear.What do you enjoy reading? Sexts.
Christopher’s workspace. Do you have a book that you’ve gone back and read several times?The Bible. I read it religiously. (Joking! I don’t read fiction).What’s one book you always recommend?Anything by Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy, but only to people I really dislike.Do you have any rituals that you abide by when you’re writing?Does human sacrifice count? (Actually, it’s more a hobby than a ritual.)What’s the most surprising thing about being a writer? That sex with groupies never gets boring.Who is your favourite fictional character?Donald Trump.What are you working on now?Right now, I’m working on a particularly challenging questionnaire.Why do you write?You sound like my mother.Describe your perfect writing day.Can’t say specifically, but it would probably involve horse tranquilizers, a Lycra body suit, and a lot of Mariachi music.Have you ever experienced writer’s block? What did you do about it?All the time; I usually cruise porn until the urge to write completely passes.
 Christopher’s very candid observation.If you wrote a memoir, what would it be called?I did, and it was called Assdeep in Wonder.What are your must-read literary websites/publications?www.sofurry.com:your number one stop for fan-written, anthropomorphic erotica.What question do you wish someone would ask you about your book? Q. Christopher, what’s the big deal with clowns? A. IDK. The fucking things just creep me out!What’s the toughest part about being a writer?The rigorous entrance exam.* * *Christopher Gudgeon is a semi-professional author and failed screenwriter. Best-known for his capacious sexual appetite and his off-(off)- Broadway one-man show, “Hey God, It’s Chris Calling and Boy is He Pissed!,” Christopher is a frequent contributor to his Twitter feed @1millionmonkies. Christopher’s pet peeves include insincere people and Oxford commas. He loves cuddling, Chinese food and long walks on the beach. Dom top, if it comes to that.