5 Reads for the #1 Dad on Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just around the corner! Here are our top 5 picks for that number one Dad in your life who deserves the best.


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For the MVP Dad

25: Hockey Poems New & Revised by Richard Harrison (Wolsak and Wynn)

We don’t mean to put the chill on your Father’s Day celebrations but Richard Harrison’s 25 is sure to bring a nostalgic warmth to the heart of any Dad who is a die-hard hockey fan. This collection celebrates the game for what it has become: a part of the Canadian identity – bringing it’s history and the fond memory of a frozen pond to life.

For the quiet and contemplative Dad

The Pine Islands by Marion Poschmann, translated by Jen Calleja (Coach House Books)

When beard fashion scholar Gilbert Silvester wakes from a portentous dream, he hurriedly makes the decision to flee to Japan…and his wife. While there, he discovers the works of the great poet Basho and embarks on a pilgrimage following in the poet’s footsteps to witness the scenic landscapes of his writings. Along the way, Gilbert meets fellow pilgrim Yosa, and together, the two help each other discover perfect endings and new beginnings. This read is for the dad who enjoys silent meditation on life’s little mysteries…

For the politically engaged Dad

Too Dumb for Democracyby David Moscrop (Goose Lane Editions)

For the dad who has a news feed running 24/7 on every screen in the house and who loves a good bit of political repartee (…or a full-on heated debate) during social gatherings, give the gift of David Moscrop’s Too Dumb For Democracy. From both a political science and psychological perspective, Moscrop poignantly explores why we make such bad political decisions and how individuals, societies and institutions can work together to turn things around.

For the out-of-this-world Dad

The Electric Baths by Jean-Michel Fourtier, translated by Katherine Hastings (QC Fiction)

Maybe it’s the interplanetary travel throughout the Star Wars universe, or a journey through the mystical and dangerous Middle Earth as imagined by Tolkien–whatever it is, this is for the dad who loves to immerse himself in worlds where reality takes on new meanings. The Electric Baths is set within a small, nameless village, where reality melds into dream until the two are indistinguishable. What follows is a tale full of stormy nights, secrets, spells and lies…

For the history buff Dad

The Mongolian Chronicles by Allen Smutylo (Goose Lane Editions)

Artist, writer and traveller Allen Smutylo gives us a birds-eye-view into a Mongolia you never knew existed. With powerful prose, he recounts his time spent living with seven eagle hunters and their families over the course of two years–a rare perspective that provides insight into Mongolia’s turbulent past and present day survival of its peoples. A special addition to any Dad’s collection of historical reads.